Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A little shock therapy...

I now know what the feeling must be like when one is shocked by say, lightening.  Although for me it was central only to my left shoulder, trap, rhomboid, tricep, down the arm, through the hand, digits, and out the tips of my fingers, nonetheless, it was wild.  There was a definite "oh shit" moment when the cervical epidural needle hit my nerve yet, when the electricity ceased (and the pain subsided) it was actually somewhat cool. 

The doc used the epidural to inject a steroid (a rather warming sensation ran through) into my c6 and c7 which are being lambasted at the moment with treatments all in an effort to avoid what seems the inevitable; surgery. 

Use of the word inevitable is not negatively thought of in my circumstance because, if in fact the surgery will stop my growing neck, shoulder, arm, nerve pain - then I welcome it.  My optimistic plan, finish my novel during the forced recovery time.  Stay tuned...

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I stumbled across this quote today:

"Dreams are renewable. No matter what your age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within you and new beauty waiting to be born."-Dale E Turner

Then, author Anne Lamont's words rang in my ear...and go something like this: When I'm eighty I'm not going to give a damn if I can fit into my jeans, I'm going to hope I'm sitting among the books I've written and can smile about all I've done.

I've missed my writing studio...I've been cycling a lot (even a little too much) however, sitting, blogging, being in this space, it's just lovely.  It's a warm cozy place where I'm surrounded by books I have read, wish to re-read, and have begun to write again.  As it grows colder outside, the bike beckons me less and the warmth of my writing space calls.  There just does not seem time enough for everything I love...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

To Blog or not to Blog?

Welcome -

Honestly, this is a little scary.  I write in private.  Most, if not all, of my writing has been thus far - for me.
In real life, I am a gregarious and extremely outspoken person.  However, my writing life evokes my hermit-able (I hope I made that up) side, the side of my soul that longs for solitude.  I begin this blog in hopes of bringing my separate lives together.

In fact, for months I have tried to come up with a fitting blog name.  My original idea was "To Blog or not to Blog?" Then, "The Occasional Blogger" came to me which I figured might be more appropriate since I'm not certain how often I will blog - if I will blog at all - or if I will have anyone following my blog? 

After pondering over the juxtaposition of privacy and blogging, The Private Blogger was born.   

Now off to vote I go...
